ON behalf of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, I desire to express cordial recognition of the liberality with which the appeal of the Council for pecuniary assistance in the undertaking has been met from time to time by many persons, both Fellows of the Society and those not directly connected therewith. Without such assistance it would not have been possible to carry the excavation to completion, so greatly has its scope and the labour involved exceeded anticipation. It is satisfactory to know that the results attained are in even greater excess of our most sanguine expectation.

Further, neither the will not the means to make a thorough exploration of the site would have availed anything without the generous assent and co-operation of the owners thereof, Mr. Thomas J. S. Roberts of Drygrange, proprietor of the main part of the land included in the fortification, and Mr. William Younger, proprietor of part of that included in the Southern Annexe. Besides giving material assistance in the work, these gentlemen have handed over to the National Museum of Antiquities the very large collection of weapons, armour, implements and other objects discovered. The land dealt with being under tillage, no progress could have been made unless the tenants thereof had given facilities. This they did most freely, and the thanks of the Society are due to Messrs. J. A. Porteous, Robert Bathgate, James Ford, G. Douglas Paton, David S. Hutcheson, and William Mallen, all of whom allowed excavations to be undertaken upon their farms.

The labours of Mr. James Curle speak for themselves in this volume, but Fellows of the Society should never forget that the exploration could not have been carried to a successful conclusion without his unremitting attention and ungrudging expenditure both of time and money. Nor could that time and money have been applied to full advantage without
